Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Two weeks ago we looked at creating a Wiki. I had only ever heard of Wikipedia so was interested to learn more, after getting shown in class I felt that it was quite interesting. A Wiki is a space where you can share information and all edit. The following week I had research week and was set a task to do on Wiki.
We were put in groups of 4 and then given a username and password; we then had to create a group. We logged on to Wiki and created a group folder. The folder was named 'Education of the future in 20 years time' in that folder we created 4 other folders with each of our names. Mandy gave us a PowerPoint to guide us and wrote some bullet points that we had to discuss. Firstly we had a group discussion of each of the points and then wrote in our named folders what we think it would be like. We also edited the front page and added pictures and also edited the fonts and colours.

I found this a really successful task and that it a wiki would be very useful in the future for things such as organizing days out with friends.

This is a video that I found fascinating, its about technology of galss in the future, I feel that this shows what display panels in schools are going to be like.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Reflecting on the task I was set

After numerous attempts of trying to complete the task I was given I have finally succeeded. When I found out that I had to Blog as a part of my ICT course I thought that it would be very interesting as Iv always wanted to do one but was never sure how. Yet after completing this task it wasn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. I’m still new on the whole blogging weekly thing so hopefully that the reason I struggled. I feel with things like this is a lot of trail and error.
I feel that there are many different ways to reflect on your work but the one that I tend to do a lot is brainstorming or mind mapping and it wasn’t until this task that I fully understood how important it is. Being in university is a big step from school and I feel sometimes that I am given so much information in a lecture and written so many notes that I just turn off. I now feel that reflecting on my work well help me a great deal. Having a blog to write on every week will motivate me to keep on refecting on my learning and talk about what I struggled with and what I enjoyed.
Overall I found this a enjoyable experience as it’s a more enjoyable way of reflecting that just pen to paper.

Reflective learning