Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Placement before Christmas

During my week of placement I went to a primary school. There were 8 classes, starting with nursery/reception and ending with year 6.
Each class had a computer and a interactive whiteboard, during the mornings the teacher would use the computer to do the register and to record information about the children such as if they were having dinners and had paid, if they were entitled to free school meals or if the child was in sandwiches.
In the year 6 class that I went the teach handed each child a mini whiteboard and marker pen and then used the interactive whiteboard for a group activity. This way all the children could interact together by playing educational games. 
In year 4 there was a similar activity but there was no mini whiteboards. The teacher gathered the class on the carpet and one boy and one girls was chosen, these were the 'team leaders'. They did a simple task on place value but really enjoyed being able to use the interactive pen and write on the board. It came more about the Boys V Girls challenge but the children learnt a lot on the topic.
Nursery and reception were a little different  but they did have a interactive whiteboard except it was left on all day on ceebeebies website for children to go on whenever they wanted.
Whilst being in the school I also noticed that there was a PC suite, this consisted of 16 computers and 1 interactive whiteboard. The children would use these to type up letters, make posters and play educational games.

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