Monday, 12 May 2014

Making the Podcast

Carson (2008) rightfully points out that prior knowledge is needed of certain software is needed in order to create a successful podcast. This could be a number of things from adding music into a podcast, to editing pictures or even how to record someone speaking. Steph and I decided that before attempting to make our podcast we would experiment with different software’s first in order to see which one suited us both.  We looked at PowerPoint, Photo Story 3, Windows Movie Maker, Picasa, Audacity and finally Photoshop. After careful consideration, in order to make our Podcast we would not use our own voices and that we would write what we would have to say instead of read as this would be easier for the viewer to understand, because of this we decided against using Audacity as this was software specifically for recording voices and editing the sound.  After further discussions it was finally decided that Windows movie maker would be used to make the podcast and Photoshop would be used to edit the photos that were going to be used in the Podcast.

Photoshop was used to edit the opacity of pictures which allowed the viewer of the podcast to read any text that was put on certain pictures to read it more clearly.

 The feather tool was also used to create creative and unique backgrounds for text.

For the final stage of making our podcast, Windows Movie Maker was used. 

This allowed Steph and I to import all images, edited images and background music that were going to be used for the podcast, which enables us to creative a creative and unique podcast, influenced by our educational trips.

Reference List
Carson. C. (2008) Learn & Used Digital Audio & Podcasting in Your Classroom. California: Shell Education.

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